Teachers` Self-Efficacy as a Critical Determinant of the Quality of Drug Education among Malaysian Students

Author(s): Ciptro Handrianto, Ahmad Jazimin Jusoh*, Pauline Goh Swee Choo, Nazre Abdul Rashid and Eko Saputra


Drug education in school is one of the efforts of the government for eradicating drug abuse among young children in educational institutions.Teachers play significant role in drug prevention because they spendmuch of their time with students at school. The objective of this study is to highlight the teachers` self-efficacy and its impact on level of drugabuse in Malaysian schools. This study employed a qualitative approachacquired through secondary data with literature review.. The study showedthat teachers` self-efficacy has contributed to the quality of drug education among students due to sdominant components, such as: (1) Teaching performance in the classroom; (2) Developing cooperative learning; (3)Teachers` personal involvement; (4) Teachers` training; and (5) Students` engagement in drug prevention. As the conclusion, teachers` self-efficacy is a critical determinant factor to improve the quality drug education, especially in classroom situation. The 5 aspects also determine level of teachers` self-efficacy. The higher the self-efficacy, the more quality drug abuse prevention are found among students. The recommendation of this study is that the government body should actively encourage training`s program for teachers in drug prevention. It also suggests to find out the empirical data for teacher`s self-efficacy in drug education for following studies.

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