Editorial - Journal of Evolutionary Medicine ( 2021) Volume 9, Issue 6

a brief note on evolutionary medicine

Riccardo Baschetti*
Department of State Railways, Italy
*Corresponding Author:
Riccardo Baschetti, Department of State Railways, Italy, Email: carolaforster23@hotmail.com

Received: 10-Dec-2021;Accepted Date: Dec 24, 2021; Published: 31-Dec-2021


Darwinian medicine, also known as evolutionary medicine, is indeed the result of new human evolution theory. The theory of healthy as well as illness. Modern biomedical research and practice have centered on the physiological and molecular underlying mechanisms wellbeing and ill- ness, whereas human evolution medicine asks why pro- gression has shaped these mechanisms in ways that may end up leaving us vulnerable to disease. The evolutionary approach has contributed significantly to the understand- ing of melanoma, autoimmune disease, as well as anatomy. Due to constraints on what can be added to existing medi- cal curricula, medical schools have indeed been slower to incorporate human evolution strategies. The International Society for Evolution, Medicine, and Global Health is in charge of coordinating mission is to advance the field. It is the publisher of the Oxford University Press journals Evo- lution, Medicine, as well as Public Health, as well as The Transformation and Medicine Evaluate, Using the Delphi method, 56 specialists from a variety of fields, including anthropology, medicine, and biology, agreed on 14 core principles inherent in evolutionary medicine education and practice. Such 14 principles can be classified into five ma- jor categories: question framing, evolution I and II (with II involving a higher degree of complexity), evolutionary trade-offs, explanations for security vulnerabilities, and culture. The table below lists extra details about these pre- cepts, Adaptations can take place only whether they are fully evolved. As a result, some adaptations that would prevent illness are not feasible. Because DNA could be totally protected from somatic replication corruption, cancer, which would be caused by somatic mutations, has not (yet) been totally eradicated by natural selection. Because humans could indeed biosynthesize vitamin C, they are at risk of developing scurvy, a vitamin C deficiency disease, if their dietary intake is insufficient. Retinal neurons as well as one‘s axon output have progressed to be located within the layer of retinal pigment cells. This constrains the progression of the visual cortex, forcing the optic nerve to exit the retina through a point known as the optic disc. As a result, makes a blind spot More importantly, it ex- poses vision to enhanced intraocular pressure (glaucoma) because it cups as well as harm the optic nerve at the this point, leading to impaired vision. Other constraints emerge as a result of adaptive inventions, There are various types of contest, and these can influence genetic transformation. mate selection and disease susceptibility Pre-eclampsia is caused by a genetic conflict between both the mother and foetus, Humans evolved to live in small tribal bands as sim- ple hunter-gatherers. Humans today live in a very different environment and way of life. This change exposes homo sapiens to a variety of health issues known as “diseas- es of civilization” and “illnesses of affluence.” Stone-age humans evolved to live off the land, taking full advantage of the widely accessible resources. As we are still adjusted to stone-age circumstances that no longer apply, the sud- den shift from stone-age environments and practices to the world of today is problematic. This mismatch has severe repercussions for our health. “Many diseases, such as de- ficiency syndromes like scurvy and rickets, may be caused by modern environments.”