Perspective - Journal of Evolutionary Medicine ( 2022) Volume 10, Issue 8

Comparisons Of Pathogen Interactions And Species Insights

Anastasia Makhanova*
Department of Dynamics of Host-Pathogen Interactions Unit, Institute Pasteur, Paris, France
*Corresponding Author:
Anastasia Makhanova, Department of Dynamics of Host-Pathogen Interactions Unit, Institute Pasteur, Paris, France, Email:

Received: 01-Aug-2022, Manuscript No. jem-22-74813; Editor assigned: 03-Aug-2022, Pre QC No. jem-22-74813 (PQ); Reviewed: 17-Aug-2022, QC No. jem-22-74813; Revised: 22-Aug-2022, Manuscript No. jem-22-74813 (R); Published: 29-Aug-2022, DOI: 10.4303/jem/236080


One of the main selective forces affecting humans is infection, and interactions between hosts and pathogens influence the genetic diversity of both species. Studies on evolutionary genomics make use of the tests that natural selection has run over the course of millennia. The genetic factors influencing infection susceptibility or severity can be highlighted, in particular, by inter-species comparative genomic investigations. Recent instances demonstrate how evolution guided methods can offer fresh perspectives on host-pathogen interactions, elucidating the origins of host range and elucidating the formation of various diseases. We discuss the most recent advances in comparative immunology and evolutionary genetics, demonstrating their importance for comprehending the molecular causes of mammalian infection susceptibility. Recent years have seen a revolution in the understanding of host-pathogen interactions in evolutionary genomics.


The identification, detection, and categorization of both hosts and pathogens have been revolutionised by a number of modern genomic approaches, enabling a higher resolution that aids in understanding their underlying dynamics and offers novel insights into their environmental context. However, there are still many obstacles to a comprehensive knowledge of host-pathogen interactions, particularly when it comes to the synthesis and integration of ideas and results from many systems at various spatiotemporal and ecological dimensions. With an emphasis on ecology, spatial variation, and the use of genomic methodologies, we want to highlight some of the similarities and difficulties across many investigations of host-pathogen interactions in this viewpoint. In order to look for connections, patterns, and possible tradeoffs between the complexity of genomic, ecological, and spatiotemporal scales used in individual host-pathogen research, we conducted a quantitative evaluation of current literature. We discovered that the majority of studies, particularly those concentrating on the pathogen side of the interaction, used whole genome resolution to address their study goals across a wide variety of ecological scales. Nevertheless, complicated spatiotemporal context based genomic research is relatively uncommon in the literature. We draw the conclusion that a significant barrier to synthesis across various host-pathogen systems is that data are collected on widely diverging scales with different degrees of fidelity. This is because processes of host-pathogen interactions can be understood at multiple scales, from molecular, cellular, and physiological scales to the levels of populations and ecosystems. This difference hinders data granularity and accessibility as well as effective infrastructure organisation. Future inference across systems will be enhanced by comprehensive metadata deposited together with genetic data in freely available databases, especially when combined with open data standards and practises. The standardisation and comparability of such data will make it easier to study the effects of anthropogenic stresses, such as climate change, on the dynamics of disease in both humans and wildlife, as well as the early detection of newly developing infectious diseases. The host range of biotrophic phytopathogens is often constrained. Recent research has uncovered the general molecular underpinnings of intraspecific diversity in plant innate immunity, which often involves receptor proteins that allow recognition of pathogen associated chemical patterns or avirulence elicitors as defensive induction triggers. It has been harder to reach a basic understanding of the evolutionary and molecular processes that change the host range of isolates of closely related phytopathogens.


Here, we examine the fundamental mechanisms that shape the host range of closely related strains of Pseudomonas syringae isolated from various legume hosts by genome comparisons and genetic alterations. Although the secretion independent type III virulence factor is conserved in these three strains, the presence of two genes encoding type III effectors and the absence of another suggests that the host range of Pathovars glycinea and kidney bean is limited. I found that it may have contributed to the difference. These findings reinforce the idea that a complex genetic basis underlies the host range evolution of plant pathogens. This complexity is also present in host-microbe interactions that exhibit relatively small differences between both hosts and their adapted pathogens.

Copyright: © 2022 Makhanova A. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.