Research - Journal of Drug and Alcohol Research ( 2024) Volume 13, Issue 7

Narcotics in Women's Reproductive Health

Sri Musriniawati Hasan1*, La Jumu2, Edi Hasan3, Ike Nurjanah Tamrin3, Muhammad Nasir3 and Agussalim3#
1Luwuk School of Nursing, Palu Health Polytechnic, Indonesia
2Biak School of Nursing, Jayapura Health Polytechnic, Indonesia
3Parepare School of Nursing, Makassar Health Polytechnic, Indonesia
#Equally contribution
*Corresponding Author:
Sri Musriniawati Hasan, Luwuk School of Nursing, Palu Health Polytechnic, Indonesia, Email:

Received: 01-Jul-2024, Manuscript No. JDAR-24-144758; Editor assigned: 03-Jul-2024, Pre QC No. JDAR-24-144758 (PQ); Reviewed: 17-Jul-2024, QC No. JDAR-24-144758; Revised: 22-Jul-2024, Manuscript No. JDAR-24-144758 (R); Published: 29-Jul-2024, DOI: 10.4303/JDAR/236400


Prevention and emphasis on the use and circulation of drugs that are proactive in nature to maintain and improve health and legal awareness. This study aims to find out the relationship between drug abuse and women’s reproductive health. The method used in the analytical survey is a cross sectional approach. The population in this study is drug users with the female gender. Data was taken by distributing questionnaires and then univariate analysis, Chi-square bivariate analysis, and Multivariate. The statistical test used was Multiple Logistic Regression. The results of the study were that most (87%) adolescents who used drugs experienced reproductive disorders p=0.048, OR=9.20. Most (87%) who use drugs ≥ 3 years’ experience reproductive disorders. Most (60%) drug users with psychotropic and narcotic groups experience reproductive health disorders. Multivariate analysis of the most dominant factor affecting reproductive disorders is the duration of drug use with a value of p=0.004. It is necessary to provide an increase in the Prevention and Eradication of Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking program.


Drugs; Reproductive health; Women’s health; Psychotropics


In Healthy Indonesia 2025, it is expected that people will behave proactively to maintain and improve health; prevent the risk of disease, protect themselves from the threat of disease and other health problems, be aware of the law, and actively participate in public health movements, including organizing a healthy and safe community [1].

One of the important problems faced in realizing this vision is the problem of abuse of Narcotics, Psychotropics and other Addictive Substances (NARCO) or better known as drugs, especially among the younger generation. The problem of alcohol and drug abuse ranks highest and is the biggest challenge of the 7 main health and social problems of adolescents, namely smoking, alcohol and drug abuse, street safety, sexual health, physical activity, nutrition and weight, and suicide [2].

Drug abuse in a person has an impact on the type of drug used, the situation and the personality of the user. However, it can be seen physically, psychologically and socially. Physical impacts on women’s reproductive health include endocrine disorders, decreased hormonal function, sexual disorders, changes in menstrual periods, menstrual irregularities, and amenorrhoe [3].

Research Methodology

The method used in this study is analytical research with observational studies using a Cross Sectional research design. The population in this study is all respondents who commit drug abuse are still in reproductive age (age 12 years-45 years) totalling 89 people. The sample in this study is all drug abuse that is still in reproductive age. The sampling technique used is using the total sampling method.

The research stage starts from data collection, this research uses primary and secondary data obtained directly from drug abuse in the Ambon City Correctional Institution. The analysis used in this study is univariate analysis, bivariate analysis using statistical tests with Using chi square, the results of bivariate analysis will obtain a Ratio Prevalence (RP) value with an estimated Confidence Interval (CI) set at a confidence level of 95%. The assessment results were then processed multivariously with a regression logistics statistical test using statistical software. The measurement of knowledge variables was carried out by providing questionnaires that had been tested first and had passed the validity test in women’s prisons in South Ambon Regency.


Based on the results of the research carried out, the following data information was obtained:

Table 1 shows that most respondents (75%) of adolescents who use drugs experience reproductive disorders. The results of the Chi-Square test showed a value of p=0.037 (sig ≤ 0.05), there was a relationship between age and reproductive disorders. The value of OR=7,333 means that age 7,333 times affects reproductive health disorders. Of the 17 respondents who had a low education, more than half (58.8%) experienced reproductive disorders with a value of p=0.023 (sig ≤ 0.05), there was a relationship between education on reproductive disorders. The value of OR=4,857 means that education 4,857 times affects reproductive health disorders.

Table 1: Relationship between respondent characteristics and knowledge with reproductive health disorders

Variable Reproduction disorders Total OR P-Value
There is a disturbance None disturbance
N % N % n %
Adolescence age (12 years-21 years) 6 75 2 25 28 100 7.333 0.042
Adult Age (>21 years-45 years) 9 29 22 71 61 100 - -
Low 10 59 7 41.2 47 100 4.857 0.023
Medium/High 5 23 17 77.3 42 100 - -
Marital status
Marry 9 64 5 35.7 44 100 5.700 0.013
Not Married 6 24 19 76 45 100 - -
Long usage
= 3 years 13 72 5 27.8 48 100 24.700 0.0001
<3 years 2 9.5 19 90.5 41 100 - -
Drug abuse
Psychotropic and narcotics 12 60 18 40 50 100 8.000 0.012
Goals, Psychotropics or drugs 3 16 16 84.2 39 100 - -
less (<75% correct answer) 8 73 3 27.3 41 100 8.000 0.010
Good (= 75% of answers true) 7 25 21 75 48 100 - -
Sum 15 39 24 61.5 89 100 - -

Table 2 shows that from the multivariate analysis, the most dominant factor affecting reproductive disorders is the duration of drug use, the value of p=0.006; OR=14,927 CI (2,196-101,472) means that the duration of drug use has an effect of 14,927 times on reproductive disorders.

Table 2: Logistic regression factors associated with reproductive health disorders

Model 1 Variable p value Exp (B) CI (95%)
Time used 0.006 14.927 2.196-101.472
Narcotics 0.145 4.08 0.616-27.046
Knowledge 0.43 2.287 0.293-17.825


The results of the univariate study describe the distribution of respondents based on characteristics, namely age, education, marital status and length of drug use. The characteristics of respondents by age were mostly (79.5%) adults, more than some (56.4%) had higher education, most (61.5%) were not married and more than some (53.8%) used drugs <3 years.

Based on the results of research conducted in correctional institutions, it was found that drug users with adult age, age is one of the factors that can affect a person’s health behavior. According to Maharti (2015) a person who lives a normal life can be assumed that the longer he lives, the more experience, the wider his knowledge, the deeper his expertise and the better his wisdom in making decisions about his actions [4]. This is contrary to the behavior of respondents who carry out negative activities by consuming drugs.

Education also affects respondents in drug use, a person’s knowledge is influenced by educational factors. A person with higher education is expected to have a wider range of knowledge. Education is very necessary to get information that should be able to support one’s health, not make a person become a worse or have an impact and danger of drugs on the health of drug users. By getting the right information about drugs and their dangers, it is hoped that it can prevent someone from abusing the drug [5].

Marital status affects a person to commit drug abuse, this is because family support affects the behavioral desire to consume drugs or the desire to recover. Guilty Feeling can cause drug users to want to stop using drugs, motivating drug users who from the reflex in the drug user himself, a sense of responsibility to all, including the creator. 40% of drug users’ recoveries come from self-motivation and 60% come from drugs, family and the environment. Healing is not only physical, but also psychological, can increase the confidence of drug users [5].

Based on the results of the study, it was found that most of the respondents (72.2%) who used drugs ≥ 3 years experienced reproductive disorders with a value of p=0.0001 (sig ≤ 0.05), the duration of drug use was related to reproductive disorders. The value of OR=24,700 means that the duration of drug use 24,700 times affects reproductive health disorders. Drug abuse is a non-medical or illegal use of illegal goods that can damage the health and productive life of the user [6].

Most of the respondents (60%) who committed drug abuse with the Psychotropic and narcotics groups experienced reproductive health disorders with p=0.012 (sig ≤ 0.05), meaning that drug abuse was related to reproductive health disorders. The value of OR=8,000 means drug abuse 8,000 times affects reproductive health disorders.

According to Astuti et al. (2022), the central nervous system is influenced by the type of psychotropics, so that the effects are felt faster than other types of drugs [7]. Drug users experience disturbances in their reproductive health, this is supported by Nasution et al. (2017) who said that the impact of drug use on reproductive health in adolescent girls includes changes in menstrual periods, menstrual irregularities and amenorrhea (non-menstruation) [8]. Abuse of drug use will cause health disorders reproduction in a woman, because drugs that are used continuously and exceed the prescribed dosage will cause dependence on consuming the drug. This dependence and addiction causes users to experience physical and psychological disorders because there has been damage to the central nervous system and hypothalamic disorders. The hypothalamus is very important for the human body because the hypothalamus is the part of the brain that secretes hormones to control the function of reproductive hormones. In addition to damaging the central nervous system, drug abuse is also physical, moral and mental weakness [9].

This is also supported by Nurcahyo et al. (2020) saying drug abuse increases the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain [10]. A person’s sexual behavior is stimulated by neurotransmitters. Drug abuse can increase dopamine which will affect the loss of the ability to control sexual behavior in the body. Reproductive health will be disturbed caused by hormonal instability so that it will hinder the formation of eggs and menstruation.

In line with research presented by Amelia et al. (2022) that drug abuse will have a negative impact on reproductive health both in men and women, so it is very necessary to understand what will occur due to the impact of drug abuse [11]. Drug abuse that will have an impact on the body must be handled and treatment for these users must be carried out gradually. BNN already has a forum to treat this drug abuse problem, including with the National Narcotics Agency’s Rehabilitation Therapy. Drug users who suffer from idiction/addiction diseases that only recover when rehabilitated (the possibility of recovery is greater than not rehabilitation). Besides that, Back to family is also very much needed, namely the return of the client to the family after being declared cured.

Prevention of reproductive health disorders experienced by drug users can be done with medical treatment [8]. This medical treatment is not as easy as it says because drug abuse users who are used to consuming drugs will easily return to consuming drugs if they have experienced addiction to drugs.

The environment and friends are also very influential in the treatment process for drug users. Drug users also really need support from their families so that they can encourage the drug users themselves from within.

Other efforts that can be used to reduce drug dependence according to Januar Sitorus (2016) must be under the supervision of doctors, with promotional, preventive and rehabilitation activities as well as after care [12].


Health workers must be able to see the disturbances that occur in drug abusers by conducting examinations so that existing disorders can be treated immediately and do not become worse. Prevention programs that can be done by developing a positive and responsible attitude in individuals themselves and positive family support in the recovery/ treatment process is urgently needed in order to avoid dependence on drug use, stay away from the environment or friends who use drugs.


There is no funding in this research.

Declaration of Conflicting Interests

There is no conflict of interest in this study.


We would like to thank the health center for facilitating our research. And we also don’t forget to thank the participants in this study who contributed a lot by providing the answers or information needed.


Copyright: © 2024 Sri Musriniawati Hasan, et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.