Awards 2021 - Journal of Orthopaedics and Trauma ( 2021) Volume 11, Issue 4

Orthopedic Awards Announcement

1The University of Toledo, USA

Published: 29-Apr-2021

We are delighted to announce that Europe Conferences has taken an inventiveness to present the awards for the participants for their contributions to their respective fields. Awards announcement is divided into different categories mentioned below:

Research Contribution and Achievement:

The conference offers researcher grants to remarkable specialists, exceptional graduates or early academicians who have distinctive knowledge towards the conference themes. The eligibility criteria for achieving this award is that one individual must have minimum of 20+ years of experience within the field of Orthopedics and Rheumatology.

Expert Level (Scientific Service Achievement Award):

The expert level awards are given to the specialists who have done outstanding contributions to advancements in Orthopedics and Rheumatology. The eligibility criteria for achieving this award have 10+ years of experience in Orthopedics and Rheumatology.

Professional Level (The Research Contribution Award):

The Professional level awards are the special recognition awards to those business or academic professionals who are having more than 10+ years of experience in Orthopedics and Rheumatology research.

Scholar Level (The Upcoming Researcher Award):

The conference offers Scholar Level Award for the future scientists, researchers and specialists who are having 10+ years research experience within the field of Orthopedics and Rheumatology.

Women Scientist (The Women of Science Award):

Orthopedics and Rheumatology conference encourages women scientist’s participants through awards and help women scholars in career development and research guidance through our collaborations. Orthopedics and Rheumatology Conference heartily invites women scholars and scientists from universities, industries, research labs who have 10+ years of experience in Orthopedics and Rheumatology.

Outstanding Speaker in Orthopedics Summit 2020:

Outstanding speaker award is a special acknowledgment given to the person who exhibits their keen interest on discovering new things in Orthopedics Summit .

Best Keynote Speaker in Orthopedics Summit 2020:

Best Keynote Speaker award is given to honour the continuous effort and dedication for presenting the keynote speech which is an implementation of brain storming ideas, strategies, and long-term excellence in the field of Orthopedics Summit .

Best Poster Presentation in Orthopedics Summit 2020:

The recent graduates and young scientists are eligible to present their research works. Orthopedics Summit 2020 aims at creating the best platform for all the emerging Orthopedics Summit researchers to present their real time work.

Outstanding Master’s/ PhD/Postdoctorate Thesis Work Presentation in Orthopedics Summit 2020:

The main aim of presenting Outstanding Master’s/PhD/Postdoctorate thesis work presentation award is to provide special recognition to the students who are still doing their Master’s/PhD/Postdoctorate and have a thesis of their research work in the field of Orthopedics Summit .