Research - Journal of Drug and Alcohol Research ( 2024) Volume 13, Issue 7

The Role of Teenagers and Parents in the Prevention of Drug Use and Distribution in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0

Parepare School of Nursing, Makassar Health Polytechnic, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author:
Agussalim, Parepare School of Nursing, Makassar Health Polytechnic, Indonesia, Email:

Received: 01-Jul-2024, Manuscript No. JDAR-24-143834; Editor assigned: 03-Jul-2024, Pre QC No. JDAR-24-143834 (PQ); Reviewed: 17-Jul-2024, QC No. JDAR-24-143834; Revised: 22-Jul-2024, Manuscript No. JDAR-24-143834 (R); Published: 29-Jul-2024, DOI: 10.4303/JDAR/236306


A drug case is a very large case today. The Government took a very serious treatment since 2011 was found that there are about 4.7 million drug users in Indonesia. Drug users based on BNN data in 2007 are generally 11 years to 24 years old. Globe Data in 2012 was discovered that the number of drug consumption in Papua is high enough 17,750 people or 0.8% of Papuans. Purpose this research to determine the role of teenagers and parents in the district of Fak-Fak and Merauke in the prevention of the use and spread of narcotics in the Revolution Industry 4.0. Method This research is a qualitative research approach to phenomenology. Research seeks to uncover the individual philosophical and psychological aspects through narrative so that researchers and readers seem to understand the life experienced by the research subject. Results Teenagers and parents have a strong role in prevention of drug use including an understanding of drug hazards, parental advice, family support, and activity in school and spiritual activities.


Role; Youth; Prevention; Narcotics; Industrial revolution 4.0


Alzheimer’s DiseaseDrug use and consumption is a very large case currently in Indonesia. The government is handling very seriously in the country because drug users in the estimate about 3.7 million to 4.7 million drug users in Indonesia [1]. About 1.2 million people are users of Crystalline Methamphetamine and about 950,000 are Ecstasy users. By comparison, there were 2.8 million users of Cannabis and about 110,000 Heroin addicts.

Meanwhile, according to the estimates of the Indonesian National Narcotics Agency (BNN) in 2022 is expected to increase approximately 5.6 million drug users. The most widely consumed ingredient is cannabis. In the second half of the 1990, there was a sharp increase in heroin users, especially through syringes. This resulted in a rapid increase in the spread of HIV/AIDS in Indonesia. But towards the end of the 1990’s, the most widely used is the Amphetamine Type Stimulants (ATS).

The Indonesian government designed the program to rehabilitate about 100,000 drug users annually. In the context of the handling of health impacts of drug abuse, there are a number of services offered, such as psychosocial treatment, counseling, group therapy, counseling, and HIV/ AIDS tests, as well as treatment with anti-retroviral therapy for people with HIV diseases.

Based on data from BNN (Indonesian Narcotics Prevention Authority) actors with elementary education level up to 2007 amounted to 12,305. This Data is so worrying that along with the increasing drug cases (especially among young age and children), the spread of HIV/AIDS is increasingly enhancement and very threatening. Drug spread has become easier since elementary school children have also begun to dabble in sucking cigarettes. It is not uncommon for drug traffickers to infiltrates addictive substances (substances that cause addictive effects) into their own fishing.

In Indonesia, the development of drug addicts is growing rapidly. The drug addicts were generally between 11 and 24 years old. That is, the age is a productive or student age. Initially, students who consume drugs usually start with cigarettes, because these smoking habits seem to be a natural thing among current students. With this habit, the association continues to increase, especially when the student joins the environment of people who have become drug addicts. Initially tried, then had a dependency. Based was a study by Agussalim and Masdiana in 2017 in obtaining data that the main factors causing drug use in Papua and West Papua are due to the social and family parental pressure [2].

Based on online news from Berita Satu Jakarta Globe that narcotics and illegal drug circulation in Papua is quite high as much as 16,740 or 0.8% of people in Papua are involved in drug abuse. It is said that the results of the 2011 BNN Survey which was published in 2012 as many as 5000 novice users, 7500 permanent users, 250 addicted people with injectable narcotics, 4000 non-injectable drug addiction people. It is further said that the age of drug users ranged from 15 years-59 years old with a high school age of 17 people, a student of 3 people, and an inmate of 47 people. While the Papuan police chief was in the final report of 2013 mentioned that were 136 drug cases found in 2013 as many as 136 of drug cases.

Based on data from BNN Papua province, there are 27 drug cases handled by BNN throughout 2018 in Merauke. And the evidence is secure; there are 55,738 grams of crystalline and 367,557,992 grams of marijuana. While data from the Fak-Fak district was found about 0.05% in the West Papua region from the percentage of drug users in the region.

Research Methodology

This research is a qualitative study of the approach of phenomenology study applied to uncover the similarity of meaning that becomes the essence of a concept or phenomenon that is consciously and individually experienced by a group of individuals in his life. This research seeks to uncover the universal essence of a personal phenomenon experienced by a group of individuals.

Phenomenological study tries to convey the philosophical and psychological aspects of individuals through narrative so that researchers and readers can understand the life experiences experienced by the research subjects. The data collection technique was through in-depth interviews (indept interviews), to find out the role of adolescents and parents in Fak-Fak and Merauke Regencies in preventing the use and spread of narcotics in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0. Data that culturally affects the prevention of adolescent drug consumption in Fak-Fak and Merauke Districts.

Phenomenological Study seeks to correct the individual philosophical and psychological aspects through narrative so that researchers and readers seem to understand the life experienced by the research subject. The technique of data collection will through in-depth interview (Indept interview), to determine the role of teenagers and parents in the district of Fak-Fak and Merauke in the prevention of the use and distribution of narcotics in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0. Research studies conducted for a month from July to Deecember 2019. It was conducted in the Fak- Fak regency of West Papua Province and Merauke regency of Papua province at once.

The informant in this study amounted to 16 individuals who were randomly involved with representatives of 8 informants consisting of 4 teenagers and 4 heads of families from the Fak-Fak regency of West Papua Province, as well as 8 informants consisting of 4 teenagers and 4 heads from the Merauke district of Papua Province. Those meet the following criteria:

1. Willing to be an informant and can speak Bahasa Indonesia well to facilitate the process of interviews so that there is no ordinary interpretation on the informant explanation.

2. Be in research location when data retrieval is implemented and,

3. Co-operative.

Method of data collection

Phenomenological data in the form of a descriptive narrative gathered from the informant story that is experiencing a phenomenon that is currently being researched. Phenomenological Research Data is obtained from an in-depth interview with a group of individuals who are informant. Number of questions there are about 25 questions. Data collection is done by interview and recording techniques using Headphone media. The informant in this research remains the identity of the confidentiality of its name by using the initials of the bird’s name (pigeon, cenderawasih and etc.) and those whose home address is disguised to test the data credibility is done by checking the data that has been obtained through the source triangulation by comparing the information of the cross check between the information of one another. Here are some pictures taking data from participant of the research (Figures 1 and 2).


Figure 1: Discussion with the participant of the research


Figure 2: Focus group discussion

Data processing and analysis

According to Miles and Huberman (quoted in Sugiyono, 2010), the analysis of qualitative data was conducted interactively and persistently until complete. Activities in data analysis are data reduction, display data, and conclusion drawing verification.

1. Data reduction, data reducing means summarizing, selecting the underlying matter, focusing on the most important things, themes and patterns are sought. Data that has been reduced will give a clearer picture and make it easier for researchers to do the next data collection.

2. Data display (data presentation), according to Miles and Huberman (quoted in Sugiyonu, 2010) states that the most commonly used to present data in qualitative research is with narrative text.

3. Conclusion drawing verification, the next step is the withdrawal of conclusions and verification. Preliminary conclusions are still temporary. If the conclusion from the beginning is supported by valid and consistent evidence when the researcher collects data, then the conclusion expressed is a credible conclusion [3].


In this section, researchers will discuss and explain the interpretation of the research results, limitations on research conducted, as well as the implications of result of the research. The discussion of the research was conducted by comparing the results with the review of the literature outlined in the previous chapter. The limitations of this research will address the shortcomings and weaknesses, and the barriers encountered by researchers at the time of research in field. The implications of research results discuss what can be further developed from the results of this study, especially for developing community nursing services in relation to family and youth policies in a family environment prevent their children from being involved in drug use.

Interpretation and Results

Researchers have identified 2 themes which are the result of this research. These themes are identified based on research objectives. The overview of the results of the research activities has been conducted successfully identifying several very important themes in preventing the chain of drug use in adolescents in conjunction with family wisdom in the Merauke and Fak-Fak regions. On this occasion it was revealed in depth some of the causes of adolescents in Papua and West Papua not to engage in drug use and distribution in conjunction with their family Current Millennium ERA.

a) Youth’s role is in the prevention of drug used and spread in the 4.0 industrial Revolution in Papua and West Papua.

In this study, empirically, in a deep interview with some teenagers in Merauke region of Papua and Fak-Fak in West Papua province that the cause of the drug is not consumption because

1. They know the effect and dangers of using drugs,

2. They restrict association with certain people,

3. They always remember parents’ messages and advice, and

4. The youth are much active in religious activities and in school.

Each of these themes will be elaborated and analyzed in depth why the youth are not involved in the use or consumption of drugs in areas and environments known to be red areas of drug circulation and use:

1. The youth’s understanding of the dangers and risks of using drugs is certainly helpful to the youth in preventing them from approaching much less to use them. They are very aware of the damage effects posed by drugs. It is becoming a strong carrying capacity to prevent teenagers from using drugs. This is in line delivered by Paul in 2019 in the media Detik news that narcotics will have a negative impact for teenagers hallucinogenic, depressants, and stimulant. According to him one to prevent people using drugs is the dissemination of widest information to the community of drug hazards, thereby making them better know and understand the risks and negative effects of using drugs. In some countries, they use museums as a way of spreading information to the public with a very interesting treat as part of education to the public so that they are very understanding of the risks and effects of negative drugs. The museum is in Thailand in 2003 namely the Opium Museum, the DEA Museum in the United States, the Museo de los Enervantes in Mexico in 1985, and the Mong La Museum, Myanmar in 1987.

2. Social restrictions are the second step that teenagers do not engage in drug use and distribution. The research was also in line with the research of Agussalim, and Masdiana in 2017 published in the Journal of Addiction Research 2018 that the main cause of drug consuming adolescents in Papua and West Papua is due to social relations. The association that happened initially was due to lack of acceptance or pressure in the family so that they went out looking for their community support and had the initial attempt to use drugs with incorrect associations [2]. Teenagers are a very fullaged problem and very dilematis. In their age is full of wishes to try all things. Their independence is at stake to be considered an adult, but this often makes them fall in a problematic grave.

3. The next step is to always remember his parents’ advice. The love of a mother is calming and the love of a father strengthens. Remembering parental advice is a child’s most beautiful gift in the eastern culture. With the embedded and the continuous positive advice on the nature of a child will lead to an embedded memory that appears continuously. On the other hand, adolescence is the process of increasing and growing neurons so that the memory storage process will be very good which will appear at any time in certain times and conditions [4]. The child is like a sponge that will absorb anything parents show before them. As children feel sad, frightened or emotionally they will remember how their parents protect and relieve that fear and emotional. Children will always remember spending quality time with their parents. In addition, they will always be well-known to their parents’ attention to their needs. Them, especially related to the emotional and liability of their souls.

4. The activity of youth in sports and religious activities is capable of protecting them from using and passing drugs. It is becoming a major capital in the religious culture of Indonesians to be the prevention of the circulation of drug use in adolescents. Sports activities will be able to stir up positive thinking and encourage the production of endorphin hormones that will evoke a sense of comfort for everyone who diligently do it. This is in accordance with the research of Dr. BM. Wara Kushartanti, who said that sports trigger the discharge of endorphins such as morphine so that it is not interested to use drugs [5]. Another opinion was also conveyed by Philip Veliz of the University of Michigan in 2014 as quoted by Reuters saying that many teenagers joining communities and sports clubs are less risky to use drugs [6].

5. Strong spiritual support for a child and youth will encourage the child to obey the Lord. The understanding of religion and strong belief will secure her to not use things that could harm herself and her family. Of course, this will greatly gain appreciation in the very religious Eastern society so that drug prevention capital can be done and drug emergency term for this nation especially adolescents can be prevented.

b) The role of parents is on the prevention of the use and spread of drugs in the era of the 4.0 industry revolution in Papua and West Papua. The study found empirically through deep interviews with some of the teenagers interviewed in Merauke region of Papua and Fak-Fak in West Papua province that cause their children to not be involved and not Drug consumption due to some factors

1. Of parents’ understanding of drug hazards,

2. Mentoring their daughters with friends (the openness of their children),

3. Advice that directs their children,

4. And support will Activities or activities of their children without pressure or restraint in their age.

Some of these themes will be elaborated on the other side by looking at the various sides that are strengthening their parents so that their sons are not involved in the consumption or the passing of drugs:

1. The first is a parental understanding of the dangers of drugs. Drug abuse among children and adolescents is very concern. The University of Indonesia’s Research Center (UI) in collaboration with BNN in 2014, the highest drug users were among workers and subsequently students. Seeing this will make us all miris because the future of children will be destroyed even the future of this nation will also be destroyed if not protected as early as possible. Parents’ understanding as early as possible about the dangers of drugs will be able to help his child understand and combat it especially in the provision of information or descriptions of drugs. Drugs themselves are substances or drugs derived from plants or not crops, either synthesis or semi-synthesis that can lead to decreased or behavioral changes. Drugs also alter the structure and way of brain work on the central nervous system so that it interferes with senility, memory, concentration, perception, feeling, and behavior. Parents’ understanding of structured and great drug dangers will surely open up an open discussion space in the family especially with the child. So that parents will be a place of vent for the child and misuse of drug use can be prevented as early as possible.

2. Mentoring their young daughters with friends (the openness of their children). Associating friends can be the entrance of drug use especially among adolescents [1]. The selection of associating friends allows teenagers not to fall into the maladaptive behavior patterns that harm the Sianak. In the development of highly sophisticated technology in the Millennium 4.0 will give a very significant reactive impact in media socializing. Disclosure of information through online media will negatively impact if the selection of friends or comrades does not go through the process of filtering. In our earlier research in 2017 on study ethnography the cause of Papuan adolescents’ consumption of drugs was to get that their adaptation process with friends associating outside the environment made the teenager consumption of drugs. By it as a parent in demand to be able to know and understand about the sustainability of their sons especially in the environment outside the family. A healthy social pattern will certainly give a healthy social effect, especially in the pattern of living sustainability as a teenager who will always seek their identity. Parents who can direct their daughters in the mix will become the family’s primary capital in combating the impact and harm of the drug in the family [7].

3. The advice that directs their kids is the third theme found that helps their families not engage in drug use and circulation. Advice is a social and spiritual activity in the family environment with the goal of establishing a positive attitude that is owned by individuals and families. The provision of advice will be a strong fortress for the child in building his future from the time of life. With a strong advice on the risks and negative effects of drugs is certainly a barrier for the child to avoid and never try to use the illegal goods. Hope in the advice of parents will continue to be remembered in memory and every step taken by the child. Hope and a strong belief of a continuous message will give a positive effect in growing juvenile flowers in a family. By it is in the family when built togetherness, the advice will be necessary at any time to the youth because it will encourage to them always remember so it certainly prevents the negative to do [8].

4. And support activities or activities of their children who are without pressure or restraint in their age will provide a “trust” impact to the youth and will certainly build self-confidence the child. The concept that is developed in the family by giving opportunity to the child will give positive response to do the positive activities. The positive thing that is done will encourage the child to avoid negative things especially about drugs. In our earlier research it has been elaborated on the data that the supporting factor of a child is falling in drug use due to family restraint [9-11].


Teenagers are growing children and flowers with great actualization needs will certainly encourage them to do many things without looking at the negative and positive sides of the thing he does. Heavy pressure especially in the family will encourage the child to find something that supports it outside the family. With negative support outside of his peers will certainly encourage a child to do negative things like liquor and drugs.


The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

Declaration of Conflicting Interests

The authors declared no potential conflict of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

Data Availability

No data were used to support this study.


We are grateful to the letter of intents from Ministry of Technology and Higher Education with number B/2708/ E5.3/KL.03.01/2019, and Ministry of Health of Indonesian Republic with number UM.01. D1/4/6416/2019. Our extended thanks are to Mayor of Papua Province and the participants in our research.


Copyright: © 2024 Agussalim. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.