S K Panda
Royal College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Berhampur, IndiaPublications
Research Article
Drug Utilization Evaluation of Antibiotics used in Vulnerable Population at Selected Tertiary Care Hospital in Andhra Pradesh
Author(s): Amit Kumar*, S K Panda, Divya S Nair, Padala Srilakshmi and Sruthi Sreenivasan
Aim: To determine drug utilization evaluation (DUE) of antibiotics used in vulnerable populations at selected tertiary care hospital in Andhra Pradesh. Materials and methods: This prospective study was carried out among 551 patients (vulnerable population pediatrics, pregnant women, geriatrics and other vulnerable patients) from a selected tertiary care hospital. Based on Modified Kuppuswamy socio economic status scale 2020 our study population was under lower middle, upper lower and lower class. In our study the ratio of prescribed daily dose (PDD) to WHO defined daily dose (DDD) and DOT calculation (for pediatrics) was used for drug utilization evaluation. Cost comparison study was also conducted between the prescribed branded antibiotics and their generic alternative. Results: The study.. Read More»
DOI: 10.4303/jdar/236176